Ships Wenham and Others, Belfast to New York and Philadelphia

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Document ID 9507109
Date 24-04-1847
Document Type Newspapers (Shipping Advertisements)
Archive Linenhall Library
Citation Ships Wenham and Others, Belfast to New York and Philadelphia;The Belfast Commercial Chronicle, Saturday, 24 April, 1847; CMSIED 9507109
                                                            NOW  IN  PORT,
                                                 F O R  N E W  Y O R K,
                                          TO SAIL DIRECT FROM BELFAST.

S. M'CREA [McCrea?] continues to dispatch a Line of First
      Class Ships direct from BELFAST for NEW YORK
every week, as follow:

WENHAM,    WYLIE,   1200 Tons, to Sail 26th April.
OLGA,      TURNER,  1000 Tons, to Sail 28th April.
TENNESSEE, PRATT,   1200 Tons, to Sail  1st May.
THETIS,    COLLINS, 1000 Tons, to Sail  6th May.

                              F O R  P H I L A D E L P H I A,
                                                DIRECT FROM BELFAST,
JULIA,      ADAMS,     1000 Tons, to Sail 24th April.
SARAH ANNE, SKOLFIELD, 1000 Tons, to Sail  4th May.
HEBRON,     HOOD,      1000 Tons, to Sail 14th May.

These Ships will be regular Traders between New York
and Belfast. They are all new, and built of the best
materials: commanded by men of experience, they are very
desirable conveyances for Goods and Passengers. Goods
shipped by this Line will be insured at the lowest rate of
Premium._ For Freight or Passage, apply to

                                                      SAMUEL M'CREA,

      General Emigration Office, 37, Waring-Street, Belfast.
Belfast, 23d April, 1847.                            (411