Demonstration Over Deportation Order to James Gralton

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Document ID 9807268
Date 09-03-1933
Document Type Newspapers (Extracts)
Archive Linenhall Library
Citation Demonstration Over Deportation Order to James Gralton;The Belfast Weekly News, Thursday, 9 March, 1933; CMSIED 9807268


          Speaker Stoned at Protest

              Meeting in Leitrim

  Lively scenes were witnessed in Drumana, a
village near Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim, on
Sunday, when an attempt was made to hold a
protest meeting against a deportation order
recently made by the Free State Minister of
Justice against James Gralton, a native of the
district and an American citizen.
  The notice was served on Gralton on 16th
February, and the period of grace expired on
Saturday. For some days past Gralton has not
been seen in the neighbourhood and his case has
been taken up by certain organisations in
  A number of people on Sunday tried to hold a
meeting at Drumana. Mr. F. O'Donnell, of
Dublin, had mounted the branch of a tree blown
down by the recent storm and started to speak,
when he was pelted with mud and stones. Civic
Guards escorted him and his friends to their
motor car, which was stoned as it was driven
off in the district of Co. Roscommon.
  Later the car returned to Drumana, and was
again given a hostile reception.
  The visitors, however, attempted to hold a
second meeting below the village, but the
people rushed to the spot, and drove the
demonstrators away. Another meeting intended
to be held at Gowel, where Gralton had a hall
which was bombed during the Christmas-time,
had to be abandoned owing to the hostile
attitude of the people.