[Alex L Nanork?], Petersburg, Va to Robert Love, Banbridge.

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Document ID 9405171
Date 23-09-1822
Document Type Letters (Emigrants)
Archive Public Record Office, Northern Ireland
Citation [Alex L Nanork?], Petersburg, Va to Robert Love, Banbridge.; PRONI T 2393/2/33; CMSIED 9405171
                   Petersburg Sept 23rd 1822
Dear Robert
     I wrote to you some time in July by way of
new york, and as I suppose that my letter sheared [shared?]
the fait [fate?] of the Packet Liverpool, I have commenced
a recapitulation of its contence [contents?], When we seperated [separated?]
you requested me to send you all the news that should
transpier [transpire?] hear [here?], and I shall as far as my ability extends
comply with your request, though you know that I am
very little of a news monger thefore [therefore?] you must not
expect a very minute detail.  Among your numerous peers
they all continue nearly in the same situations in which
you left them, Petersburg has been more unhealth [unhealthy?] this
fall than it has been known to be for a number of years
and disease has taken of [off?] numbers of our citizens
soon after you left hear [here?] Thos [Thomas?] Smith had a return of
the bilious that carried him of [off?] in a few days among your
other acquaintance they have been generaly [generally?] fortunate and
after a few days illness get about again; But it is time
that I was thinking of something that will no doubt be
more exceptable [acceptable?] to you, I have taken every oppertunity
[opportunity?] of inquiring about your Paragon and find that she
is coqueting [coquetting?] as usual and in my opinion she will
make a second Mrs Binnet though I understand that
she is partial to your old rival Mr [Bunher?] this
fully verifys [verifies?] my opinion that if they cannot get
throe [through?] to whom they are partial the next man gets
them O! woman where is thy truth? But my dear fellow
do not be cast down for though you will not get her
there are two [too?] many of the fair daughters of Erin that
are more deserving, and with whome [whom?] I make no doubt
you will be more happy than you could expect to
for with such a flirt as Miss [M?], but now for my own
affairs you may recollect a little girl that you ware [were?]
accusing me of being in love with while you ware [were?] hear [here?]
I find you [guess?] nearer my mind than I did myself for
I find it so, and hope to have some thing [something?] more to tell
you about it in my next. Mr Fisher still continues to
mount the Blandford [hills?] and I suppose will soon settle
among them, for you know the beautifull [beautiful?] miss Andrews is
all atractive [attractive?], faith if you ware [were?] to see her in the
Methodist church of a night shouting glory and turning up
her eyes like a duck in a thunder storm you would
think that she was more than mortal or a confounded
hipocrit [hypocrite?] which is my opinion, but love you know is
blind and so I suppose Mr F [Fisher?] will take her for better
for worse.  you have no doubt heard that yellow
fever rages in New York and is still extending through
almost every part of the city and there is little
hope of it stoping [stopping?] until the return of frost
There has been a great revival of religon in this place
in the last two or three months with the methodists
& Presbitarians [Presbyterians?] - the latter find their old Church
too small for them and are therefore building another
immediatly [immediately?] opposit [opposite?] to it which from its preasant
[present?] appearance will be upon a grand scail [scale?] how it
is to be paid for is yet a mystery, as there is still some
thing [something?] due upon the old church.  I should have
answered your first letter from Norfolk but I was
in Richmond when it arived [arrived?] and I did not get home
until a weeke [week?] after the dait [date?] by which time I
concluded you had sailed and therefore consoled myself
with the intention of writing as soon [as?]
I [thought?] I had any thing [anything?] work communicating
and at length finding I could [torn]
determined to write at a [venture?] my first [torn]
went to [D--- Jones?] and hear [here?] is my second
 Holt Smith [?] Bruce and a number of
your other acquaintance desired to be remembered
to you, Harkin has gone to New Orleans to live
at 6- $ P [Per?] month where we may calculate upon
his doing in the [?] of the year.  [?] and
Old [-?] [?] complain very much of my havin [having?]
[deserted?] them since you are gone and It is a fact
that I have not drank half a doz [dozen?] Glasses since
you ware [were?] [?]   wishing you prosperity and
a speedy [?] and my [?] a [?]
[answer to?] this I remain your friend sincearly [sincerely?]
                        Alex [Alexander?] Lewis [Nanork?]

[addressed to:]
            Mr Robert Love
              Banbridge  Down