Regulations for Irish Passenger Steamers

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Document ID 9912114
Date 01-06-1849
Document Type Hansard
Archive Queen's University, Belfast
Citation Regulations for Irish Passenger Steamers;Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, June 1, 1849, Vol. 55, Third Series, Col. 1030; CMSIED 9912114

      In reply to a question by MR.
      MR. LABOUCHERE stated, that the
result of the investigation which had been
made by Captain Denham had established
the necessity of the Board of Trade exercising
its power to limit the number of
passengers carried in the steamers trading
between Ireland and England; but before
carrying that power into effect, he was
desirous that the report should be printed, in
order that the steamboat proprietors might
be made acquainted with what was proposed
to be done.
      Subject at an end.