Irish Population and Rateable Valuation per County.

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Document ID 9804318
Date 26-04-1907
Document Type Statistics
Archive Queen's University, Belfast
Citation Irish Population and Rateable Valuation per County.;Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, 1907, Series 4, Vol. 173, Col. 376-380.; CMSIED 9804318
      Irish Valuation.

  Mr. J. MACVEAGH: To ask the
Secretary to the Treasury whether
he can issue a statement showing,
according to the last available
figures, the average valuation per
inhabitant of the different Irish
  (Answered by Mr. Runcinan.)
This information has been supplied
me and is as follows:-

     Country.     Population,   Rateable Valuation,  Valuation
                  1901 Census.         1907.         per head of

                Province of Ulster.

                                œ        s.          œ   s.  d.
Antrim            196,090      722,657   9           3  13   8

Armagh            125,392      438.572   9           3   9  11

Cavan              97,541      279,175   5           2  17   3

Donegal           173,722      310,895   5           1  15  10

Down              205,889      824,420  13           4   0   1

Fermanagh          65,430      242,103  18           3  14   0

Londonderry       104,512      319,737   5           3   1   2

Monaghan           74,611      275,946   0           3  14   0

Tyrone            150,567      462,710   2           3   1   6

Belfast County
Borough           349,180    1,490,832   0           4   5   5

County Borough     39,892     112,763   10           2  16   6

                Province of Munster.

Clare             112,334      326,214  17           2  18   1

Cork              328,489    1,108,642   3           3   7   6

Kerry             165,726      309,274  16           1  17   4

Limerick          107,947      472,900   3           4   7   7

North Riding       67,815      276,851  11           4   1   8

South Riding       92,417      411,144   6           4   9   0

Waterford          60,418      266,828   1           4   8   4

Cork County
Borough            76,122      184,097  15           2   8   4

County Borough     38,151       73,109   4           1  18   4

County Borough     26,769       51,374  12           1  18   5

                Province of Leinster.

Carlow             37,748      169,889  15           4  10   0

Dublin            157,568      840,298   2           5   6   8

Dublin County
Borough           290,638      939,657   5           3   4   8

Kildare            63,566      339,389   6           5   6   9

Kilkenny          79,159      363,142   7           4  11   9

King's             60,187      247,690  14           4   2   4

Longford           46,672      153,179  19           3   5   8

Louth              65,820      248,129   0           3  15   5

Meath              67,497      551,318   4           8   3   4

Queen's            57,417      257,501   4           4   9   8

Westmeath          61,629      326,519  18           5   6   0

Wexford           104,104      388,330   2           3  14   7

Wicklow            60,824      293,994  18           4  16   8

                Province of Connaught.

Galway            192,549      480,894  19           2   9  11

Leitrim            69,343      138,562   1           2   0   0

Mayo              199,166      321,881  14           1  12   4

Roscommon         101,791      301,425  10           2  19   3

Sligo              84,083      214,712   2           2  11   1