Return of Pauper Immigrants From the U.S.A.

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Document ID 9802162
Date 06-06-1893
Document Type Hansard
Archive Queen's University, Belfast
Citation Return of Pauper Immigrants From the U.S.A.;Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, Series 4, Vol. 13, Col. 400.; CMSIED 9802162
  Mr. BRODRICK (Surrey, Guildford)
...In the course of last year there was
a very series feeling aroused because the
United States Government refused to admit
immigrants on the ground that they were
paupers; and they actually turned back
men who had money in their pockets, and
who had money to receive in America.
They were sent back to Ireland, the action
of the States causing great loss to those
people. Supposing that occurred in the
future, was the Irish Legislature to
have the Foreign Office to fall back upon?
He thought it would not, and, that being
so, it might make laws prohibiting the
admission of American immigrants.