Emigration statistics.

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Document ID 9802161
Date 05-08-1902
Document Type Hansard
Archive Queen's University, Belfast
Citation Emigration statistics.;Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, Series 4, Vol. 112, cols. 715-6.; CMSIED 9802161
  Second Resolution:-

  Mr. LOUGH called attention to the
statements of statistics with regard to
emigration, and other matters which
were prepared by that office. It appeared
that last year there were 40,000
emigrants, and during the last fifty years
the total number had been about 4,000,000.
No one ever paid the slightest attention
to the statistics presented. The Chief
Secretary in a recent speech stated that
what Ireland wanted was that some step
should be taken to stop emigration,
which was the real grievance of Ireland.
He agreed with the right hon. Gentleman
and wished to know whether any steps
were to be taken. Were these terrible
statistics to be collected every
year for no practical purpose?

  Mr. WYNDHAM said that by
statistical information was gauged the
size and nature of a problem, and that
at least was the condition precedent to
dealing with the problem. The subject
of emigration was a most important one;
but he must respectfully decline to
discuss it on the present occasion.