Anonymous Notes on Transfer of Land

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Document ID 9901136
Document Type Family Papers
Archive B. O'Reilly
Citation Anonymous Notes on Transfer of Land;Copyright Retained by Brendan O'Reilly; CMSIED 9901136

I inclose[enclose?] you
proof of sale to [smith?]
of the land he [matter?]
the offer for [of?] five
hundred dollars.  The
Doctor thinks it is
the best way of securing
it to Arthe. If
the land is worth more
you could get [Smith?] to
transfer it to anyone
you might select to
hold it for a time
for Arthe. With [Smith?]
as the owner you could
no doubt, do anything
with it you think best.
The American Consul here
says that notaries do not
transfer property in this
country as they
do in America, and that
the transfer before him
is the valid and legal
act, recognized by the
courts in America.