Note From A. W. Smyth re the Will of Dr. M. M. Dowler.

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Document ID 9809080
Date 07-01-1912
Document Type Family Papers
Archive B. O'Reilly
Citation Note From A. W. Smyth re the Will of Dr. M. M. Dowler.;Copyright Retained by Brendan O'Reilly; CMSIED 9809080
Dr. M. M. Dowler died in
1870 or 1871.  His widow
in the administration of his
estate found it necessary
to give a bond for a
son who was not of age
or incapacitated in some
way from acting at the
family meeting called for
the purpose of
settling the estate.  The
bond was a matter of
form required by the law
in the case, and Mrs.
Dowler asked me to
go on the bond which
she said would not invoke
any liability and I did
not at the time see that
there was any possible
liability connected with
the bond.
            A.W. Smyth.
Ardcame 7 Jan 1912.