Dr Smyth Overcharged By Grocer

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Document ID 9904065
Date 21-04-1906
Document Type Family Papers
Archive B. O'Reilly
Citation Dr Smyth Overcharged By Grocer;Copyright Retained By Brendan O'Reilly; CMSIED 9904065
Statement of William Bates [&c?]
By Mr James O'Neill [W.G.?]

A misunderstanding having arisen between Mr Bates,
grocer, and Dr Smyth, Ardcame, farmer, as to how
their accounts stood they mutually agreed to
invite me to look into their respective books
and papers with a view to having the matter
in [dispute?] settled.
Accordingly a message was sent to me, and I
called on Dr Smyth who showed me his pass
books and statements of account furnished
to him from time to time by Mr. Bates. It
was found necessary to have a look into Mr.
Bates books also, and having procured them,
and compared them with the statements of
account furnished by him I found there were
several discrepancies the chief of which are

1st. Mr Bates book on 21st April 1906 showed
œ29.10.8 as owing by Dr. Smyth at that date,
but on same date his furnished account to
Dr. Smyth stated the amount owing was œ23.6.7
a difference of œ6.4.1

2nd. On 27 September 1906 Mr Bates makes a
mistake in posting from pass book whereby
he adds œ9.00 to Dr Smyth's account - posting
œ69.19.5 instead of œ60.19.5.

3rd. On 12th and 18th of August 1905. Mr
Bates charges œ2.10.0 to Dr Smyth of cash
paid to his brother, and on 11th June 1906
he writes in his book "By error 12 and
18 August 1905" and charges this sum again
(œ2.10.0). Error œ5.00

 In explanation of this transaction Mr Bates
assured me he did actually give not œ2.10.0
but œ2.5.0 to Dr William for Dr A. W. Smyth
and that he entered it a second time not
knowing it had been previously entered.
Dr Smyth believes there is no reality in
this transaction at all.

4th. On 9th May 1907 Mr Bates makes a
mistake of œ1.00 in adding up Dr Smyth's

5th. On August 7th 1905 Mr Bates adds on
8/- in bringing forward the amount in

6th. Mr. Bates acknowledges in writing a
mistake of œ17.13.4 in error in Dr Smyth's

 When the several mistakes are added together
they make a total of œ39.5.5.
Assuming that Mr Bates' account is otherwise
correct the full amount due on 25 June 1907.
according to his own statement was œ120.15.6.
He received and acknowledges the receipt of
two cheques from Dr Smyth one for œ100, and
one for œ10.00.
There should then be a balance of œ10.15.6.
Now taking this supposed balance of œ10.15.6
from the sum of the mistakes above mentioned
we see that Mr Bates has been overpaid and
owes Dr Smyth œ39.5.5 less œ10.15.6 = œ28.9.11

         sig. James O'Neill, [N.Y.?]

 Donemana 14th May 1908.
