Brig Collector, St. Andrew's to [Philadelphia?]

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Document ID 900236
Date 01-07-1822
Document Type Passenger Lists
Archive Public Record Office, Northern Ireland
Citation Brig Collector, St. Andrew's to [Philadelphia?]; CMSIED 900236
List of all the Passengers taken on board the Brig Collector
of Falmouth in any foreign port or place.

    Names         Sex Age Occupation Country to   Country of
                                     which they   which they
                                     belong       intend to

Peter Tornar       M   52  Farmer     Ireland      U.S.
Sary Tornar        F   45  Farmer     Ireland      U.S.
Charles Tornar     M   18  Farmer     Ireland      U.S.
Hugh Tornar        M   13  Farmer     Ireland      U.S.
James Tornar       M   11  Farmer     Ireland      U.S.
Edward Tornar      M    9  Farmer     Ireland      U.S.
John Tornar        M    2« Farmer     Ireland      U.S.
Mary Tornar        F    5  Farmer     Ireland      U.S.

Total No. of Passengers: 26

I Samuel Titcomb Master of the Brig Collector from the port
of St Andrew[s?] do solemnly, sincerely, and truly swear,
that the above list contains the names and description of
all the Passengers who were on board the said Brig at the
time of, or since her last departure from, the said port
of St Andrew[s?]

Collector's Office, District of (sic)     Samuel Titcomb

           Sworn before (sic)         Collector.