Elizabeth Fleming, Ontario to her cousin, Belfast.

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Document ID 8903154
Date 07-09-1899
Document Type Letters (Emigrants)
Archive Public Record Office, Northern Ireland
Citation Elizabeth Fleming, Ontario to her cousin, Belfast.; PRONI T 1850/10; CMSIED 8903154
                 Owen Sound Sept 7th/99 [1899?]
My Dear Cousin
           I suppose
you will be surprised to
hear from me so soon again
but I thought I would
let you know that My Brother
Jame's wife was up in Owen
Sound on an excursion and
stayed two day's and then
there was an excursion down
and I went down to see
them and stayed three
days with them and we
had quite a talk about
the old country and all our
friends and he got your address
to write to you but I dont
want you to say anything to
him what has passed between
you and me about my Aunt
Jane and let me know if he
mentions my Aunt in his letter
to you he seems to know a
good deal about My Grand-
Mother & Grand Father he says they
were buried in a place
called Munyrae [Moneyrea?] and it is
likely they are all buried there
he said they had a large monument
and it was broke and he said
my Aunt name I had made
a mistake about it he said
it was Jane Kyle Brown and
he said she lived in a place
four miles from Belfast and
and I do not remember
the name of it although
he told me several times
it was something like
Kilkale there was a Kale
to it anyhow about four
miles from Belfast perhaps
you could guess at it for I
tried my best to remember
it and should have wrote
it down but I did not Dear
Cousin if the graveyard is not
to [too?] far from you I would like
if you could look if you seen
their graves and if there was
one Jane Kyle Brown in it
my Brother said if he was
in the graveyard he could
walk strait [straight?] to the spot he
seems to know something
that I do not know about
them he remembers your Mother
quite well and was pleased to
hear of you My Brother is well
off and has a lovely home
and has every thing that heart
could wish and making money
fast Dear Cousin I do hope
to be able some day to
recompense you for all you
have done for me and If
my Brother letter to you he
mentions it to you it might
throw a little light on it where
she lived, we are all well hoping
this will find you and your family all
well I remain your loving cousin E [Elizabeth?] Fleming
write soon