Horse Driving in America by an Emigrant

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Document ID 9803343
Date 01-10-1884
Document Type Newspapers (Extracts)
Archive Linenhall Library
Citation Horse Driving in America by an Emigrant;The Belfast Evening Telegraph, Wednesday, 1 October, 1884; CMSIED 9803343

  The following, taken from the Daily
Gate City, will be read with interest
by the many friends of Mr. John
Ballantine, formerly of Belfast, but
at present residing in Keokuk, Iowa,
U.S.:- "Keokuk people took great interest
in the exhibition given by John Ballantine
of the trotting and staying qualities of
his horse Satellite.  Several hundred
Keokuk people attended the fair expressly
to witness this performance and a great
many 'hats' changed hands on the result.
Mr. Ballantine undertook to drive
Satellite five miles in 16 minutes,
and not only beat that time, but made
a record of 14:28 a feat never before
performed in this locality.  Satellite
trotted throughout in splendid form
and pulled up apparently as fresh as
at the start.  Dr. Robbins and Nat Bruin
acted as judges and timekeepers.  The
crowd cheered wildly at the finish and
seemed more delighted at the successful
finish than did the owner of the horse.
We omitted to state in our report of
the Warsaw fair that Satellite was
awarded the first premium in the gents.'
driving class." The "spin" took place at
Carthage annual fair on the 12th ult.