Numbers of Passengers from Limerick to North America.

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Document ID 9807868
Date 04-05-1842
Document Type Statistics
Archive Linenhall Library
Citation Numbers of Passengers from Limerick to North America.;The Belfast Commercial Chronicle, Wed., 4 May, 1842; CMSIED 9807868
 The number of human beings freighted for North America this
season, in Limerick, are as follows:  By the Borneo, 286;
Primrose, 258; Jane Black, 417; Governor, 199; Ninian, 266;
China, 293; Shelmalier [New York], 93; Thetis, 203; Energy, 193;
Nerio, 130; John White, 118; Bryan Abbs, 193; Ariel, 68;[for
Miramichi]; Maria, 176; Ann Moore, 180; [for Quebec]-- Making a
total of 3032 souls from the port of Limerick alone, for the
most part natives of the counties of Clare, Limerick, and
Tipperary, the great majority of whom were agricultural labourers.