Sinking Of Unknown Steamer & Discovery Of Ship Glenview.

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Document ID 9605189
Date 15-11-1845
Document Type Newspapers (Shipping News)
Archive Linenhall Library
Citation Sinking Of Unknown Steamer & Discovery Of Ship Glenview.;The Belfast Commercial Chronicle, November 15, 1845.; CMSIED 9605189
  Bell Rock. - On the 11th ult. a ship's mast, painted
green, was observed to pass over the rock. From its size and
appearance, it is supposed to have belonged to a steamer
which was seen to sink off the rock some days before, but of
whose history no trace has yet been found.
  Falmouth, Nov. 10. - Put in, the Orpheus, Digby, of and
for London, from Madras, June 22, and Sept. 5. On Friday,
saw a vessel not far distant before a squall came on, and
when it had terminated could see nothing of her. Letters
have been received from her Majesty's packet Express, dated
from Madeira, which mention that six days after leaving this
port, on her voyage with the Brazilian Oct. mails, she fell
in with the ship Glenview, of Belfast, water-logged and
abandoned; a cask of water and a little bread were in the
maintop, and the crew had evidently lived in the main and
mizentops. There were two pigs on the deck, one was drowned,
the other had its throat cut. A vessel was by her removing
her stores.