Ship Meridan, Belfast to Philadelphia & Baltimore.

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Document ID 9710049
Date 27-04-1821
Document Type Newspapers (Shipping Advertisements)
Archive Linenhall Library
Citation Ship Meridan, Belfast to Philadelphia & Baltimore.;The Irishman, Friday, 27 April 1821.; CMSIED 9710049
                      NOW IN PORT,

      And the only Ship and Vessel from this Port, for


               Coppered and Copper-fastened,

                    Burthen 750 Tons,

            The New and Beautiful American Ship,


                 JOHN STAPLES, Commander,

                   To Sail 10th May.

The Meridan is well-known as one of the fastest sailers out of
America, having made her last Passage in 21 days, and from
Liverpool to this Port in 16 hours. The Steerage accommodation
will be fitted up in the most comfortable manner, being seven
feet between decks and only single Birthed, which tends much
to the health of Passengers.
An abundance of pure water and fuel will be laid in for the
voyage, and the Passengers, by this elegant ship, may rest
assured of receiving every attention from Captain Staples,
who is a Gentleman of the greatest humanity.
As a considerable number of Passengers are already engaged,
those intending to go by the Meridan are strongly recommened
to engage immediately to prevent disappointment. For Freight
or Passage, please apply to
                            J. HIRAM SHAW,
              At the Established American Passage Office,
                        No. 6, Prince's-street.