American Emigrant Ship Fired Upon.

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Document ID 9410207
Date 29-06-1866
Document Type Newspapers (Extracts)
Archive Central Library, Belfast
Citation American Emigrant Ship Fired Upon.;The Armagh Guardian, Friday, June 29, 1866; CMSIED 9410207
BY A BRITISH MAN-OF-WAR.- By the arrival of
the City of London at Liverpool on Wednesday,
we learn that much excitement had been caused
in New York in consequence of the announcement
that the American ship Syren, Captain Morse,
had been fired into by the steam-ram Achilles,
when off Bantry Bay. The Syren, after being
brought to, was boarded by a boat's crew from
the Achilles, and the officers in command, after
ascertaining that the Syren was bound from
Liverpool to New York, insisted upon Captain
Morse telling him why he and his ship were off
the coast of Ireland. The bringing-to of the
Syren, the firing at a ship with a large number
of emigrants on board by such a vessel as the
Achilles, without the slightest provocation,
demands an explanation. Every British naval
officer ought to know that all outward-bound
vessels from Liverpool to America must necessarily
clear the coast; and therefore the general
impression is that the person in charge
of the Achilles has, to a very great extent,
exceeded his duty.