Brig Dolphin, Newry To Philadelphia.

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Document ID 9701033
Date 06-02-1771
Document Type Newspapers (Shipping Advertisements)
Archive Central Library, Belfast
Citation Brig Dolphin, Newry To Philadelphia.;The Belfast Newsletter, Friday, March 8, 1771.; CMSIED 9701033
                 For PHILADELPHIA,

                 The Brigantine DOLPHIN,

                 a fine new vessel Berthen 300 Tons,

                 Thomas Finlay Master,

now lying in the harbour of Newry, will be clear to sail for
Philadelphia on the 25th Instant, and is particularly fitted
up for the Accommodation of Passengers.
   All Passengers, Redemptioners, or Servants (desirous)
desiring to go in said vessel, are required to apply to
Messrs Wiliam and John Ogle, to Mr Robert Shaw or the owner
at Mr Fosters in North Street, or to the Captain on board,
at Warren's Point. Abundance of best Provisions is laid in
for the voyage, and the vessel will positively clear out on
the 25th, and sail first fair Winds after.
Newry, 6th February, 1771.

N.B. At the desire of several of the Passengers the sailing
of the above vessel is postponed to the 15th Instant on
which Day she will positively sail, Wind and Weather