Ship Active, Belfast to Philadelphia

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Document ID 200142
Date 16-09-1816
Document Type Newspapers (Shipping Advertisements)
Archive Linenhall Library
Citation Ship Active, Belfast to Philadelphia;The Belfast Commercial Chronicle, Mon., 16 Sept, 1816; CMSIED 200142

The Fine Fast Sailing American Brig


Captain Enoch Turly,

Burthen 400 Tons,

Just arrived in this harbour from
Savannah, after a short passage;
has excellent accommodations for
passengers, and will sail for the above
port about the 1st October.-

For passage or freight, apply to the
Captain ob board or to

Luke Thomson & Co.

Who have received for sale by said vessel,

90,000 Cane Deeds, of superior quality,
90 Bales Prime Upland Cotton,
A few Deer Skins,

York Street, [Belfast] Sept 13, 1816.