Ship Milo, Belfast to New York.

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Document ID 9807564
Date 01-05-1816
Document Type Newspapers (Shipping Advertisements)
Archive Linenhall Library
Citation Ship Milo, Belfast to New York.;The Belfast Commercial Chronicle, Wednesday, 8 May, 1816; CMSIED 9807564
             FOR NEW YORK

              The MILO,

            BURTHEN 300 TONS,
           CLEMENT LORD, Master,
Now in this Harbour, to sail for the above port first fair
wind after 20th inst. The MILO is a fine new vessel, sails
remarkably fast, and has excellent accommodations for
Passengers. -
  For passage, apply to
                            GEORGE LANGTRY & CO.
Belfast 1st May, 1816.                             (15