Ships Fairfield et al., Liverpool to U.S.

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Document ID 9803183
Date 12-06-1841
Document Type Newspapers (Shipping Advertisements)
Archive Linenhall Library
Citation Ships Fairfield et al., Liverpool to U.S.;The Belfast Commercial Chronicle, Sat. 12 June, 1841; CMSIED 9803183

Fairfield, Capt. WILSON, 800 Tons, to Sail 11th June
Siddons, Capt. COBB,  1500 Tons, to Sail 13th June
Roscoe,  Capt. WILLIAMS, 1200 Tons, To sail 25th June
Stephen Whitney, Captain THOMPSON, 1,400 Tons, to Sail
1st July.
                  FOR  PHILADELPHIA,
Octarara, Captain SMITH, 1200 Tons, to Sail 22d June

            FOR  BALTIMORE,
Superb, Capt. GATEHILL, 800 Tons, to Sail 22d June

 The above fast-sailing Ships are all of the first class,
very lofty and roomy between decks, and are fitted up in
the most commodious manner, for the accommodation of Cabin,
Second Cabin, and Steerage Passengers.
      For terms of Passage, apply to
                  WM. [WILLIAM?] VALENTINE.
      Belfast (6th Month), June 10, 1841
      **  Free Passage to Liverpool    (118