Ship John & Robert, Belfast to Quebec

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Document ID 9902036
Date 12-05-1837
Document Type Newspapers (Shipping Advertisements)
Archive Central Library, Belfast
Citation Ship John & Robert, Belfast to Quebec;The Belfast Newsletter, Tuesday, 2 May, 1837; CMSIED 9902036
      To succeed the Ship ARIADNE,
               FOR QUEBEC,
     The remarkably fast-sailing coppered Ship
              JOHN & ROBERT,
           A. McKECHNIE, Commander,
            900 Tons Burthen,
          To Sail about 12th May
Due notice will be given of the exact day of Sailing

  The above Ship is only two years old; has splendid
accommodations for Passengers; her 'twixt decks is upwards
of eight feet high, and being the only Ship sailing for
Quebec from this Port at the above date, to prevent
disappointment immediate application is recommended, for
Freight or Passage, to
                       JOHNSON & GRAINGER,
Belfast, 28th April, 1837.        Dunbar's Dock.