Irish Labourers Riot at Beauhernois, Canada.

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Document ID 9310655
Date 21-07-1843
Document Type Newspapers (Extracts)
Archive Linenhall Library
Citation Irish Labourers Riot at Beauhernois, Canada.;The Vindicator, Saturday, 22 July, 1843.; CMSIED 9310655
The Montreal Gazette of the 21t ult. contains additional
details of the violence committed by the rioters on the
Beauhernois Canal, which is in their possession.  300 men had
left Lachine to join the rioters, who are provided with arms
and ammunition.  A still more serious émeute than any which
has yet occurred was anticipated.  In the previous conflicts
with the military, eight labourers were killed; eight or nine
besides, pursued by the cavalry, leaped into the St.
Lawrence, and being carried down the rapids, were lost.
About twenty were wounded, and many more, it is expected,
have died in the woods.