Bill to repeal Duties of Excise and Stamps in Ireland, and to grant new Stamp Duties in lieu

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Duties on
Licences to
Spirit Re-

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ferted, defcribed, and fet forth in Words and Figures in the faid Schedule,
in lieu of the Duties on and in refpeft of the faid Articles, Matters, and
Things, under any AA or A As in force in Ireland ; and that all and every
AA and A As of Parliament iti force in Ireland importing to charge the
faid Inftruments, Articles, Matters, and Things, or any of them, with any
other Stamp Duties or Duty, than as in the faid Schedule fet forth as afore-
faid, fhall, from and after the faid Day, ftand and be repealed, fo far as fuch
A(5l or Ads fo import to charge fuch other Stamp Duty or Stamp Duties
on the faid Articles, Matters, and Things refpeftively.

And be it further Ena£led, That from and after the Expiration of Ten
Days after the pafling of this Aft, the Duties hereinafter mentioned and ex-
taiiers, and prefled, fhall be, and the fame are hereby repealed; that is to fay,The Duties
of Excilc made payable in Ireland under and by virtue of an Act, made in
repealed. the laft SeffiOH of Parliament, intituled " An Ad; to grant to His Majefty g
" certain Inland Duties of Excife and Taxes in Ireland, and to allow cer-
" tain Drawbacks in refpe6l thereof, in lieu of former Duties of Excife,
" Taxes, and Drawbacks," for and in refpeA of any Licence to any Per-
fon in Ireland to fell, by Retail, Spirituous Liquors, Wine, Beer, Porter, Ale,
Cyder, or Perry, Metheglin or Mead, together with the Sum of One
Shilling in the Pound on the Amount of the faid Duties; and alfo, the
Duties of Stamps granted by an Aft, made in the faid Forty-feventh Year,
intituled, " An Aft to repeal the feveral Duties under the Care of the
" Commiffioners for managing the Stamp Duties in Ireland, and to grant
" new and additional Duties in lieu thereof, and to amend the Laws re-
" la ting to the Stamp Duties in Ireland," upon and in refpeft of the feveral
Articles, Matters, and Things following; that is to fay, Upon any Com-
miffion under the Great Seal of Ireland direfted to any Commiffioners of
Bankrupts, or upon any Return which flia,ll be made by any Sheriff, Co¬
roner, Commiffioner, Mayor, Senefchal, or other Officer, on or to any
Writ, or other Procefs to him or them directed, which fliall iiTue from or
out of any of the fuperior Courts of Law or Equity, or from or out of the
Admiralty Court, or from any of the Ecclefiaflical Courts, or any other
Court in Ireland, in any Suit at Law or in Equity,, or upon any Warrant
under the Hand and Seal, or Hand only, of any Sheriff or Sheriffs, or his 4.
or their Under Sheriff refpeftively, or upon the Appointment of any Per-
fon to be Sheriff for any County, County of a City, or County of a Town
in Ireland ; and all the faid Duties fhall accordingly ceal'e and determine,
any Thing in any Aft or Afts of force in Ireland to the contrary not-

nfi'to And be it further Enafted, That the Duties by this Aft granted fliall

c'eivei-Gene- be paid and payable in Britifh Currency, and that all Monies arifing by the
and"c-5rT"Tto Duties fhall be paid from time to time into the Hands of the Receiver
Confoiijuted General for the Time being of the Duties on ftamped Vellum, Parch-
iHind. mint, and Paper, in Ireland, who fhall pay the fame (the necefTary Charges
of raifing, paying, and accounting for the fame, being dedufted) into the
Receipt of the Exchequer of Ireland, at fuch Time, and in fuch Manner as
the Duties on flamped Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, are by Law direft¬
ed to be paid; and all Monies fo paid into the faid Receipt as aforefaid,fhall
be carried to, and made Part of the Confolidated Fund of Ireland.

Duties (liall
be under the

And be it further Enafted, That the feveral Duties hereby granted fhall
Management be Under the Government, Care, and Management of the Commiffioners
mViionersof Time being appointed to manage the Duties charged upon ftamped

Stamps. Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, in Ireland, and the faid Commiffioners are
hereby empowered and required to ufe fuch Stamps, in order to denote the
