Petition of John McCardle [McArdle?] to Sell Property

		To W.S.Trench Esqr [Esquire?]
C.kmacross [Carrickmacross?]
To W.S.Trench Esqr [Esquire?]
Honr [Honoured?] Sir
                    I Humbly request you will
permit me to dispose of my farm of land
in Lisiril [Lisirril?] and take the farm of Widow Calla-
My Mother in law of Boh [Bocks?] who is lying very ill
and to give money to her Daughters to go
to America and if you allow me to do
so you will Confer a favour on me
which I will ever consider one of your
many kindnesses already done to me
I am your obt [obedient?] & Humble
              John McCardle [McArdle?]
               Lisiril [Lisirril?]
James McArdle
Lissiril [Lisirril?]
March 18/44 [1844?]