Tony Gilchrist, S. Africa to Mrs N Powell, Scotland

		Part of the Frederick Brown Collection

                          To Mrs N Powell
                             103 Inverleith Row
                      E.H. 35 N.J. Edinburgh

8/7/77.                       305. Buckingham Crt
                                       Smith St
                                     4001 Durban
                                         S. Africa
My Dear Mrs Powell
  I'm writing you on behalf of old Paddy. She
can't manage to write you herself as her
right hand is useless with arthritis. She is
getting more frail but still as stubborn as
always she complains about everything in
the Home, she reckons she should have a
nurse in attendance on her all day, but as
Thelma has told her there is no need for that
as she can get around on her own, and should
be thankful that she can do so, in any case
no home supplies a nurse for indivividual [individual?] attendance,
But please don't mention this in your letter
to her as she is so crusty to deal with.
   She keeps well enough considering. Thelma took
her to have new glasses fitted, with that she
was quite pleased. Her Will is made out leaving
the little money she will leave, to the Masons
who have been very kind to her, I have asked
her make a new Will in favour of Nessie as the
Masons are not interested in any thing she may
leave, but all the answer I get is "I'll see"
but as I asked her once "Do you know the saddest
phrase in the English language? she said no, well
I told her "It's too late, too late" so anyway you
will know we have tried. Please don't mention
anything I have told you, but will always keep
you posted as to how things go. We hope the
girls have managed to get Posts near home
as things seem to be in a right muddle in
Britain between strikes and inflation, but
maybe things will become better when the
oil fields get well under way, which should
ease the monetary position in the country.
I hope you can make all this out as I'm
kind of shaky at writing now. Give our kind
regards to the Girls and yourself, and don't
mention anything I have told you when you
write to Paddy or else she will fall out with
us. Warm regards from Thelma and myself,

              Yours Sincerely

                 Tony Gilchrist