Methodist Layman's Prosperity

		Hon. John Field, who leads the lay
delegation of the Philadelphia
Conference, is a native of Ireland.  Born there
of Wesleyan parents, he brings both to
the Church and State the best qualities
of his race.  From boyhood he has been
in the mercantile business.  His
remarkable business qualities have drawn to
him the attention of prominent men. He
occupies many positions of trust, and
responsibility. He was made postmaster
of Philadelphia at the urgent solicitation
of Postmaster General Wanamaker.
In 1850 he associated himself with the
Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church of
Philadelphia, then under the pastorate
of the renowned Dr. John P. Durbeis.
For twenty years he had been an official
member of Fletcher Methodist Episcopal
Church, West Philadelphia, and for
twenty-four years its Sunday-School
superintendent.  His Conference could
not have made a more fortunate
selection for the high place which she has
so recently awarded him.