Death of Mrs. Anne Ford, St. Mary's, Canada

		                   MEMORIALS OF THE DEPARTED.

                               MRS. ANNE FORD.

Died, in St. Mary's, August 6th, 1860, Anne, the
affectionate and beloved wife of Mr. Robert Ford.
Our deceased mother in Israel was born in the
township of Drumwood, county of Fermanagh, Ireland.
Her father Mr. Wm. [William?] Nelson, was one of
the first five Methodists in the county of Fermanagh,
converted under the powerful ministrations of the Rev.
John Wesley....
 Washington said that the greatest want of the infant
republic of America was the want of proper mothers.
This is the want of Canada.  May such mothers as Ann
Ford has been, be multiplied!
                                                      A. EDWARDS.

St. Mary's, August 10th, 1860.
                                          Toronto Christian Guardian.