Dreadful shipwreck on Islay Coast.

Two hundred and forty Lives Lost: -  We received this
morning, through the kind attention of Captain Stewart, of
the Thetis, a copy of the Glasgow Herald of yesterday
morning, containing a circumstantial account of the loss of
the Exmouth, Booth, which left Londonderry on Sunday
se'n [seven?] night bound for Quebec, with emigrants.  The news
reached Glasgow, on Saturday, as stated in our shipping
intelligence, by three seamen, by the Modern Athens steamer,
being the only survivors from the wreck.  The description
given of the disaster is most afflicting.  They say the ship
was ground and crunched so dreadfully, that she must have
gone to pieces immediately.  There were three ladies on
board, cabin passengers.  The great mass of the emigrants must
have perished in their berths, as the rocks rapidly thumped
the bottom out of the vessel.  Up to Thursday evening, twenty
bodies had been washed ashore at Islay, but the total number
lost cannot be calculated at fewer than two hundred and forty
souls.  - Northern Whig.