Family History of Skellerns in New York

		$$H146 Part of the Diane Tempest Catalogue$$H

Skellerns in New York

John Skellern born Dublin 1798. Married Maria, Moved to New
York. With three children out of eight. George Charley and Maria

Found in New York Census 1850.
Letters home to brother Thomas 1864.

Charles Born 1841 Dublin? Youngest child.
Enlisted 1862 2 Engagements Discharged 1862.
Joined 37th National GUards 6months.
Gettysburgh 1863? 7th Invalid Corps.

George married an American woman.
At the age of 16 he sold flowers fruit, and worked in a hat
store did
printing. And then joined the 4th Artillery as a bandsman for 5
He became a Bookkeeper and accountant and worked for Messrs.
Catewell Iron Works he had 3 children.

Maria married Fitzgerald a waster and drunk in 1849 they had 4
children and 2 dead
Fitzgerald's Aunt was an umbrella maker in Dublin

Transcribed by Jonathan Engstrand