Purchase of Dr Alexander Irvine's Family Home

		        " THE CHIMNEY CORNER "

      Dr. Alexander Irvine's Cottage
             to be Preserved


  The cottage in Pogue's Entry, Antrim, the
birthplace of Dr. Alexander Irvine, the author of
the world-famed story of Irish life, " My Lady
of the Chimney Corner, " was purchased last
week in trust, and for all time it is likely to be
visited by those who have admired the writings
of one who has pictured Irish life in all its
beauty and simplicity.
  As soon as the cottage has been restored to the
state it was in when occupied by Dr. Irvine's
father and mother, it will be open to the public.
In it relics of Dr. Irvine and his parents will be
collected for the inspection of visitors, and there
will be a book in which those who admire the
writings of the author of " My Lady of the
Chimney Corner " may sign their names.  Dr.
Irvine has promised to give his valuable pictures
and manuscripts to be placed in the cottage,
which eventually, will take the form of a museum,
and he has also signified his intention to write a
booklet to be sold to visitors.  The proceeds of
the booklet will be used in the restoration of the
cottage and its preservation in its original state.
  The title deeds of the cottage were signed last
week, and all the money for the purchase has
been subscribed.  A further ÷150, however, is
required for reconditioning, but it is felt that with
such a following as Dr. Irvine has there will be
little difficulty in raising the required amount.
  A tombstone on the grave of Dr. Irvine's
mother, Anna Irvine, the " lady of the chimney
corner, " was recently erected and dedicated in
Antrim [Parish?] Church graveyard, and at the
ceremony the chairman was Viscount Massereene.
At the base of the stone is inscribed the closing
words of Dr. Irvine's famous book, " Love is
  The trustees are the Rev. Robert Craig, Ballymena;
Rev. William Mitchell, Antrim; Mrs. S.
E. Gilmour, and Messrs. J. L. Clarke, L. Jackson
Holmes, and J. Herbert Ireland (Belfast).