D.S. Cooper, Mississippi River, to Henry Tyler.

		         City of the Falls, [Mississippi?] River
                                1st Augt. 1853
My dear Tyler
            You will not find on the most recent maps the
city from which I date my letter, but you will by diligent
search, tracing around the Bay of Chaleus, the River. For
the last six weeks I have occupied my old position on the
brow of a steep bank, overlooking a magnificent salmon pool
on the [Mississippi?]. Fot the first four weeks I had
undeniable sport and took upwards of a hundred fish, of which
forty were above the ordinary size; there are now lying like
logs at the bottom of the water, right before my face, some
dozen twenty pound salmon and a few new double their weight,
but during the last fortnight they have resisted all the
temptation we have thrown in their way and have treated us with
stoical indifference. Should a freshet arrive, of which we wait
with becoming patience, I expect to enlarge my score with a
dozen or two more carefully selected from the larger fry, in
the mean time, I must rest satisfied with such of the smaller
fry, grilse, as will suffice to keep our pot boiling. The
grilse in this country rarely exceed four pounds, but they come
in great numbers and almost tire one in taking them out of
their native elements. I have some idea of purchasing the land
on each side of the River for some short distance, sufficiently
extended to secure the best fishing upon it. A thousand acres
may be acquired here for less than in the neighbourhood of
Newtownlimavady. Th government price is three shillings
currency. In the event of my intentions being carried into
execution, I have it in design to build a small but comfortable
cottage, and clear a few acres so as to render a
residence of five or six months upon it endurable. The bears
which are numerous in the neighbourhood will, Im afraid, play
pranks with my pigs, and the eagles may gobble up my poultry,
but what matters so long as it affords me amusement and does
not trench greatly on my resources.  The Yankees I find more
and more intolerable, they are not an amiable race and they
do not improve upon aquaintance. As a people they are deficient
in principle and the majority consider a cheat as something
smart and commendable. With us, the proverb is "there is a
black sheep in every flock"; the case with the Yankess is
revered, we only occasionally meet a white clear conscience
in their dens, or cities of iniquity. Russia appears to have
provoked a general war; so bastard and degenerate children
will take the opportunity of striking a blow. Right,
international law, policy and resource, will not arrest
their ambitious projects for one moment; Cuba first, the
fisheries and perhaps the Canadas will scarcely satisfy
their desire for conquest or acquisition. It would be hard
to anticipate the future of the United States; poverty is
the mainstay of a Republic, they are becoming wealthy, and
pride of family is on the increase; again, a Republic is
most manageable in small communities and the population of
the States is increasing with such wonderful quickness that
it becomes more and more difficult to control. The will of
the rabble is hard to guide when many opposing interests are
to be directed to the attainment of one common object;
the ignorant and irresponsible do not always select the
best agents to act on their behalf, and many of their ablest
fellow citizens will not lend themselves to follow their
changeful mood. "In the midst of life we are in death"; in
the midst of their highest commerical and social
prosperity, they may be near their national dissolution. I
left New York before the Crystal palace was opened; externally
it appeared a poor affair after our own big glass house; amd all
Americans feel so much ashamed of their attempt to follow in
our footsteps that they deny in [tole?] its national character.
By the first of Sept I hope to be in Boston, and depending upon
what I find in certain business matters on my arrival there, I
shall return to England or continue for another year loafing
about the Northern States and Canada. I must confess that I am
becoming heartily tired of locomotion, and long for some
quiet nook to lay me down and rest myself from the fatigues
of a life of wandering. Constant habit induces a second nature,
and to none ought this roaming life be less irksome; but I am
so young as I was some twenty years gone by, nor do I find
so many novelties to cheer me on the way. Last year I passed
many months in families, and observing the quiet joys
of home did not impose my relish for old haunts and heartless
associates. Without any idea of becoming a Benedict, which has
growm into an impossibility, I must confess that an old bachelor
is, for the most part, an old bore; and as he increases in years
in selfishness and all uncharitableness. Many a time have I
regretted lost opportunities, and still many a time an idea
of loneliness will free itself upon my mind. Here in the bush,
twenty miles from the nearest habitation, I feel less lonely
than in the midst of a crowded London salon; but here, again,
I find a chief pleasure in chatting to an old friend and
dreaming over the past. How few of us would pursue
the same course of life could a second chance be
granted: the stream rolls on and on and we shall be soon
lost in the great sea of eternity. Philosphy is a
resource for the disappointed; ambition is the main spring
of life, it urges to exertion and promises reward.
  My companions are two Americans with whose views and habits
I have little sympathy; like most of their tribe they have
served an apprenticeship behind the country, and on realizing
a few dollars in business have become gentlmen by adoption
and grace. We get on well, because I make it my business
to make matters easy; my purpose however is not accomplished
without mainfold sacrifices. I have been a kind of sporting
wet nurse to half a dozen of these gents, and their crude
notions and positive assertions have afforded me an abundance
of amusement.  There are two phrases seldom on an Americans
life. "if you please" and "thank you"; and they will copy and
borrow without acknowledgement. I wish you could come out for
a season's fishing, you are often brought to my memory when
employed in tying flies. You remember your present of hackles;
they are most useful. The night is coming on, the mosquitoes
are unusually troublesome, and I am quite tired of my squatting
position alongside a log before I have half spun the yarn I
should wish to spin for old acquaintance sake. I hope I am
not quite forgotten around your homely fireside, and hope
also some day hereafter to renew and improve my games of
play with your young pets. To them and to Mrs Tyler, Jun
- & Sen -, and other friends I desire to be kindly remembered
Can you tip me a                         Yours sincerely
stave to the care of James J. Amory Esq.     D.S. Cooper