Schooner Susan Phebe, Halifax to Philadelphia.

		REPORT OR MANIFEST Of all the Passengers taken on board the
Schooner Susan Phebe
Whereof E. Stuckey is Master, from Halifax burthen 99 tons 4/95
and owned by C. & J. King & E. Stedley of
Philadelphia and bound to Philadelphia.

Names              Age   Sex  Occupation The Country  The Country
                                         to which     in which
                                         they         they
                                         severally    intend to
                                         belong       become

P. Gay             40    Male     Labour    Ireland     USA
B. Gay             25    Female   Labour    Ireland     USA
D. Heapley         24    Male     Labour    Ireland     USA
(?) Heapley        24    Female   Labour    Ireland     USA
D. O'Donough       40    Male     Labour    Ireland     USA
E. O'Donough       40    Female   Labour    Ireland     USA
M. O'Donough        6    Male     Labour    Ireland     USA
G. O'Donough        5    Male     Labour    Ireland     USA
E. O'Donough        4    Female   Labour    Ireland     USA
J. Lawler          22    Male     Labour    Ireland     USA
W. Furlong         27    Male     Labour    Ireland     USA
M. Hegud           21    Male     Labour    Ireland     USA
M. Hegud           22    Male     Labour    Ireland     USA
W. Philpot         22    Male     Labour    Ireland     USA
D. Wells           19    Male     Labour    Ireland     USA
M. Bargun          19    Male     Labour    Ireland     USA
P. Barnes          23    Male     Labour    Ireland     USA
E. Barnes          26    Female   Labour    Ireland     USA
H. Barnes           2    Female   Labour    Ireland     USA
M. Barnes           3    Female   Labour    Ireland     USA
P. Cloughun        23    Male     Labour    Ireland     USA
D. Pilling         25    Male     Labour    Ireland     USA
Charles H.Hamilton 20    Male     Doctor    Halifax     USA