Sarah Gaylard, Balliboughill to Hellen Lawrence, Coleraine

		I hope my dr [dear?] Hellen [Helen?] will excuse me not
answering the receipt of her last kind letter before this
as I assure you my dr [dear?] I have been so extremely ill
with the violent cold that is reaing [reigning?] hear
[here?] that this three weeks I have not had spirits
scarcely to [sit?]. you may think me bad although when I
could not inform you of my hearing from my dr [dear?] Hetty
and Allick  [Alex?] I supose [suppose?] you have heard from
them both to [too?] as they wrote you at the seam [same?] time
thank God she got seaf [safe?] and had so happy a passage
She wrote one very short, but no wonder she had not time to
write us much.  She was very fortunate that got a sight of
my good uncle before it pleased God to call him of [off?]
as I hope his seeing her has mead [made?] him consider her
the more in his will My Brother Allick [Alex?] had not
[s--m-----?] his will at the time he wrote us but from what
little he heard can inform you and I of our shair [share?]
which is twenty pound and a ring to you, and one hundred
and fifty pound Sterling to me and his gold wach [watch?]
and ring  faith my dr [dear?] I am very thankfull [thankful?]
to him to be sure for it but I thought he would have
considered us a little more  for your part you dont want
it much  he has left the best part of his fortune
seems (sic) to my Uncle Camble [Campbell?] and son who
does not want it  My Brother says he died rich  I long
much to hear how he has left Hetty  No fair but
well enough she is happy that is with so tender and
affect [affectionate?] a Brother & he is a sweet creature
Indeed Hellen [Helen?] I could read his sweet letter a
thousand times that Mr Gaylard had from him   it is so
affect [affectionate?] and sensable [sensible?] it is no
wonder that fortune shines on him, for he is most deserving
of all happiness  he is so fond of dr [dear?] Hetty that she
is blessed that is with him  (sic) he gives Mr Gaylard all
the incoragment [encouragement?] in the world to go to
Georgia and he will warrant us good barraks [barracks?]
and free quarters.  Indeed he has put him in such gay
[-----?] that he is full of it indeed.  I should be happy
at the thought of it only my dearest Hellen [Helen?] for
leaving you behind which is the only inducement I have
now left in this kingdom  god help us, there is but the
two of us left in it now and we have not the happiness of
seeing each other as often eather [either?] as I sincerely
wish but [torn] indeed my dr [dear?] I flatter myself a
little that I shall pay you a visit for a few days this
summer  I have got Mr Gaylard almost to promise to make me
so happy, but a [ah?] Hellen [Helen?] dr [dear?] sure you
have it more in your power in every respect than I have
well thank god I have a sacred pleasure to think I am
the least in all  but since we have wherewith all to keep us
out of the power of an unhospatable [inhospitable?] world I
am sattisfyied[satisfied?] and perhaps fortune will yet
favour us a little  I have no reason to fear it as I think
we are in jenarall[general?] pritty [pretty?] lucky  I go to
town to morrow to face the Lord Mair [Mayor?]  you will say,
what for, to get a power of atorney [attorney?] to send over
as Allick [Alex?] desires  I might as soon as possible.  I
supose [suppose?] you must do they same  I could wish to have
it to do every year  My dr [dear?] let me hear from you soon
I expect to hear from Hetty soon as my Brother
says she has wrote to us both and I wonder it has not
reached us before this  he says he is sure she will not
be long  only his Hetty for that she has the greatest man
there, for an admirer  never fear her but she will outshine
us all but she will never get more than she deserves  My dr
[dear?] excuse me breaking off so abbruptly [abruptly?] as
I am in a hurry fixing for town to morrow where I intend
staying a fortnight  Mr Gaylard joins me in love to Mr
Lawranc [Lawrence?], Jenny, Sam and your dr [dear?] little
ones and am my dr [dear?] Hellen [Helen?] your loving and
affect [affectionate?] Sister.
                              Sarah Gaylard
Mary and Sally desires their duty to you, to there [their?]
uncle and aunt, and their little cousins.

*Envelope Address:-

    Mrs H Lawrence