W.J. Weir, Fresno to "Dear Cousin"

		                        Fresno City
                         February 1st 90

Dear Cousin
            It is with
pleasure I take up my
pen to answer your
[-----?] letter which I
recieved [received?] & glad to
find that you were
well hoping that this
[will?] [find?] you enjoying
the same blessing I see
from the date of your
letter that it was nineteen
days on the way I expect
you have recieved [received?] my letter
by this time as it met
the same fate as yours
you will think from the
snow blockades that
California is a hard
country [but?] [we?] dont
have any of it here
we can see it up on the
mountains about [100?] miles
distant & that is about
as near as I want to get
it - I have been working
on the day shift for the
last month but I go
on night work tonight
again this will be a
short month I like
day work very well but we
have more to do than
at night however it is
pleasanter our new Superintendent
is doing very
well for us he has raised
our wages $5.00 round
I am getting $70.00 per
month now so I think
So I think [sic] I will soon
be able to keep a little
wife now & have some
to spare this has been
a very severe winter here
& a terrible rain the land
around here so level & it
looks like a lake in
several places.  I had good
luck was in the Gas house
If I had a been working
on a farm I would not
have made expences
[expenses?]  I had some
papers from Australia about
a week ago but did
not get any letter
everything seems to
be getting along well
& as far as I can learn
It is a better country
for a working man

than this
I like the government
better than this I will
be expecting a letter with
that photo before long
when you [damaged] lease
let me know if you
recieved [received?] my last letter
Dated some time about
the 8th or 10th of January
it must be nearly found
out as it got snowed
in in the cascades
but this may get through
all right - give my best to bella
& tell her that I only weigh
190 lbs without coat or vest
so good Bye for the
present I remain your
Sincere Cousin W. [William?] J. Weir

please excuse this short
note as I am in a hurry
please write [soon?]
[WJW?] the same adress