Emigration Funds.


Mr. T. W. RUSSELL (Tyrone, S) [South ?]: I beg
to ask the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether his
attention has been called to an article in the
Nineteenth Century by Mr. James Hack Tuke, giving
a highly satisfactory account of the emigrants who
left Mayo, Galway, and Donegal under his auspices
in the year 1882-4; whether Mr. Tuke was right in
saying that the cessation of family emigration
from the congested districts in Ireland is not due
to want of funds, there being a balance not far
short of œ20,000 of the grant voted by Parliament
still untouched; and whether in view of the statement
by Mr. Tuke that he is in receipt of "very numerous
applications" for assistance from the congested districts,
there are any reasons for withholding from him the
money voted by Parliament for that purpose ?
 Mr. A. J. BALFOUR: In answer to my hon. Friend I have
to state that the unexpended balance is œ18,000. I am
firmly convinced of the advantage, both to those who go
and those who stay, of emigration from the congested
districts of Ireland; and I should gladly avail myself
of any aid Mr. Tuke can give me in carrying out the
intentions of the Act of Parliament.