Assisted Passage Accounts: Luman, Maguire & Faman Families

		Shirley Estate in a/c. [account?]
   with Tho.s [Thomas?] Elliott of Liverpool

To passage per Ship "Fides" to Boston
of John Luman & family
        2 adults @ 60/- 6-0-0
        4 children 55/- 11-0-0                                  £17- 0- 0
Provisions Bedding & Cooking Impm.ts [implements?]                2- 8- 4
Clothing £3-16-8 Expense in Lpool [Liverpool?]      10/-          4- 6- 8
John Maguire & Son
     1 adult & 1 child Passage                                   £5-15- 0
Provisions, Bedding & Cooking Impm.ts [implements?]               1- 8-11
Clothing £2-10-6 Expense in Lpool [Liverpool?] 5/-                2-15- 6
Peter & Owen Faman Passage                                       £6- 0- 0
     2 adults
Provisions Bedding & Cooking Impm.ts [implements?]                1- 9- 5
Clothing £2-6-6 Expense in Lpool [Liverpool?] 5/-                 2-11- 6
                                     £10-0-11                    -----------
                                                                £43-15- 4
Cr. [credit?] By Balance from last a/c. [account?]                4- 0- 0
                  furnished July 23d/49 [1849?]
                                                                £39-15- 4
Liverpool October 2nd 1849

Mr. Tho.s [Thomas?] Elliott
on Acct. [account?] of Emigration
2 October 1849