Elisha & Lois Parish, U.S.A. to Moses Johnston, New York.

		        Mr. Moses Johnston
               Genesee County
            State of New York

         Bristol  March 29th 1808

Dear Brother & Sister
  I have written you two letters within
a few weeks if you have received them
they inform you of the death of sister
Drusilla & our Nephew Ephraim D.
Parish - Again I write you heavy news
may we remember that the afflictive
God is divine and sent for wise and holy
purposes & while Gods Judgments are
abroad in the earth may we learn
righteousness -  I must inform you that
our Brother Reuben is no more he died
on the Sixteenth Instant of a consumption
- But let us Bless the Lord the Sovereign
Judge who can have mercy on whom he
will have mercy even at the eleventh
hour - for were we left to purchase mercy
or recommend ourselves to his favour
we must inevitably perish - our dear [R?]
was brought to rejoice in free sovereign god
and trust his all with an almighty Saviour
we enjoy a comfortable state of health through
grace - That we may all be wise in time
and prepare for eternity is the prayer of
       Affectionately yours
               Elisha Parish
                Lois Parish
    Louisa Turnbull and our little boys
wish to present their tender respects to their
uncle & aunt - Eppaphros Safford & his
wife (Eunice Morgan) died at Vernon not long
                   E P  [Elisha Parish?]
Mr & Mrs. Johnston