Ship Standard, Belfast to New York.

		            ONLY SHIP NOW IN PORT
               FOR NEW YORK,
To Sail Direct From Belfast On The 15th March,
          and copper-fastened ship
           1,200 Tons Burthen,
         ROBERT RITCHIE, Commander.

    This excellent Ship is now arrived in port, after
a very quick voyage from Quebec, and will sail direct
from Belfast for New York, on 1st March. She is
lofty in the between decks, well ventilated, and will
be fitted up in the most comfortable manner for the
accommodation of Cabin, Second-Cabin, and Steerage
Passengers under the immediate inspection of her
Majesty's Emigration Officer.
     The Provisions and Water put on board will be
of the very best description, and passengers will
be supplied during the voyage, as prescibed by
law, with 2« lbs. of Biscuit, 5lbs. Oatmeal, 2lbs.
Rice, 1lb. Flour, 2oz Tea, «lbs Sugar, «lbs
Molasses, and twenty-one quarts pure water every week.
    Captain Ritchie's general attainments, his
first-rate qualifications as a Commander, and his
reputation for kindness and attention to his
passengers, are so universally known, that a
further repitition now of the very complimentary
testimonials thereof that have been unanimously
presented to him by his passengers, at the
termination of his several voyages, is unnecessary.
    This, together with the first-class outfit
of the Standard, and the superiority of her
accommodations for passengers, are advantages that
cannot be surpassed in any other Packet-Ship.
    For terms of Freight or Passage, apply to
                     WILLIAM WILKINSON,
          General Emigration Office, 7, Queen's
                      Square, Belfast.
   Belfast, 4 March, 1852.