Account of Numbers of Freeholders registered in Counties, Cities and Towns in Ireland; Number of Householders and Freemen in Boroughs; Number polled at last General Election in Ireland

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N° 10.—County 

Fifty Pounds. 
Twenty Pounds. 
Forty Shillings. 

1795 7 6 2 1796 142 165 39» 1797 43 33 21 1798 2 6 3 1799 5 11 68 1800 20 8 181 1801 176 180 539 1802 66 65 231 1803 2 --

1804 4 6 2 J 805 77 36 311 1806 94 123 284 1807 77 64 103 1808 25 28 322 1809 29 31 235 1810 47 25 84 1811 76 So 90 1812 24 19 47 1813 ! 
<22 20 80 1814 15 16 38 1815 21 22 133 1816 60 8/ 365 1817 114 129 556 1818 ! 
52 58 127 1819 1 27 24 141 1820 S 76 114 302 

1 1821 i 17 10 1 16 1822 


® '22 157 1823 


65 415 

Number of Persons who polled at the last General Election in the County of 

Dublin in the year 1820 : 1 certify, there polled at said Election, 1,557 Persons. 
And I further certify, there polled at the last Election in 1823 (the same Parliament) in room of Hans Hamilton, Esquire, deceased, Sir Compton Domville and Colonel Henry White, can-didates, 1,854 Persons. 

Ben' ^rr/(ttrc, Cleik of the Peace County Dublin. 

Borough of Trinity College, Dublin. 
THE Electors of this Borough are, the Provost, Fellows and Scholars; the total Number being Ninety-six. 
At the last general election, the Right Honourable William Conyngham Plunket having been duly proposed, and seconded, as a candidate to represent this Borough in Parliament, and 110 other candidate having been proposed, he was elected by acclamation. 
June 2, 1824. 
& Ivy/r,