Bill to amend Act for amending Laws relating to Improvement of Church Lands in Ireland

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27 JFe&mm/ 1824. 


A BILL To amend an Act of the last Session of Parliament, for amending the Laws for the Improvement of Church Lands in Ire/and. 

^(JBiR<2B3^) by an Act made in the last session of Par-Preamble: liament, intituled, "An Act to amend the Laws for 
" collecting Church Rates, and Money advanced by the Trustees " and Commissioners of the First Fruits of Ecclesiastical Benefices, " and for the improvement of Church Lands in /re/awi," it is among § 29, Extend-other things enacted and declared, That the several powers provi-vifionsof°~ sions and regulations contained in an Act made in the fifty-fifth year of the reign of his late Majesty King Georg-e the Third, intituled, " An Act for enabling Spiritual Persons to exchange the 10 

" Parsonage or Glebe Houses or Glebe Lands belonging to their " Benefices, for others of greater value, or more conveniently situated 

" for their residence and occupation, and for annexing such Houses '' and Lands so taken in exchange, to such Benefices, as Parsonage " or Glebe Houses and Glebe Lands, to become Glebe in certain 15 

" cases; and for other purposes;" or such of the powers regulations and provisions contained in the said Act, as are applicable, or shall be necessary to be applied to Benefices in 7re/a?za', 
shall and may be applied and put in execution for the carrying into effect the purposes of the said recited Act with respect to Benefices in /reZraa', as fully 20 and effectually, to all intents and purposes, as if all the clauses, 

powers, provisions and regulations in the said recited Act contained, were repeated and inserted in the body of the said Act of last session of Parliament, and as if the said clauses, powers, provisions and regulations of the said recited Act of the said fifty-fifth year had by 25 the said Act been expressly extended and referred to Benefices in 



55 G. 
3, cur. 
for Exchange of Glebes, &