Account of Schedules of Customs, Tolls and Duties delivered to Clerks of Peace of Counties, Cities and Towns in Ireland

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of Each barrel of wheat of 20 stone, custom *. 

and weighing ---— 3 cart or butt load of potatoes, custom and weighing ---— 7 d° --d° -of turnips, custom and weighing ------7 d° --d" -of cabbages or fruit -5 horse load of fish ---— 3 Publicans tents, 2*. 
pedlars covered 

standings ----each 1 8 D° --" uncovered --d° -10 For each and every car, cart, table, stand-ing or parcel, containing brogues, shoes, breeches, hats, turuers, coopers, car-penters, smiths, wares or goods, or any wares or manufactures --each -10 Retailers of salt or fresh meat, or victuals on tables or standings --each -6 Victuallers boiling pots --d° -6 All things weighed only at the market scales and draft ---— 1 

and com must be sold by •weight at the market scales, and any person buying or selling same by measure, or at any other house, place or scales, is subject to a fine of 5 *. 

The above is a true and exact copy of what is set forth 011 the shew or exhibition board, fastened and erected in the market place at Kanturk, in the county of Cork. 
Tolls and Customs paid out of the Fair of BaZ/j/-£0», the Joint property of Edward Gillman, of Frankfort, and Howard Wiseman, of Dunkeran. 
For every tent ----• 3 9^ stand -------6 basket -----2 dozen yarn weighed -----1 horse or mule sold -----6 cow, bull or bullock -----6 yearling heifer ---— 3 Pig -3 sheep -------2 beast entered in the baron's book --6 

Tolls to be collected in Sfa'Wereen. 
-Cows ------each -6| Horse d" -ö| Sheep d" -1 Pigs d° -3 Butter d°, any quantity ----1 Calves d° -1 Hides -d° -1 Boat laden with customary goods -6 Hives of honey ------1 Quantities of wheat and oats --

--1 per stone. 
One or two ehurns of milk ----1 The sixteenth part in either money or kind for potatoes and meal. 
For frize the twentieth part of the value, or one crown to the pound. 
Lambs -----each -1 Helfers d° -3 Colts d° -3 Baskets of fish or cabbage --— 1 Standings market days ----1 And fair days ---

---4 Stalls --


-----1 Market days and fair days ----4 Calf skins each -1 Apples, per load ----— 1 Maiket days and fair days --— 4 

Proprietots, W W. 
Beecber, and 

Alexander O'Driscoll, Esquires. 

James Hfgan, Collector. 

Customs chargeable on the following Fairs of CamgnasÄm?;y, 
commonly called Jmogeefa, viz. 

For every horse -----1 1 cow -------6i calf -----.— 
2 sheep -• ----_2 lamb -------2 pig of any description ----4 goat or kid ------4 cabin that sells porter or liquors " 3 9§ covered standing ----1 1 small standing of any description -— 10 breeches standing ---— 10 brogue maker's d° ----10 hatter's d° ----10 car or parcel of cabbage plants ---10 car of timber of any description, except spinning wheels -----10 pot boiling of meat or fish --— 10 basket of any description --» — 4 hawker -----— 4 parcel of spades ---— 10 Frize and flannel ---120". 
to the pound Sterling. 
For every sheep skin taken by the victualler -2 parcel of bandle cloth that is subject to custom, and not free by Act of Par-liament -----1 -

JVic/io/a* JFaM and Partners, 

Proprietors and Collectors. 

Tolls to be collected at BrM/gefoKW, near 


-each -6| -d° -« 

Cows -----Horses ---_ 

Pigs Butter, any quantity Sheep -

Calves --

--Hides -. 
Boats with customable goods Lambs -

Hives of honey ---Baskets of fish --. 
Standings for a fair day Market day ... 
Milk, horse load ---Stalls (market day) Fair day -----4 Quantities of wheat or oats, not exceeding 3 stone, per stone -----1 It is the custom for potatoes and meal to pay the sixteenth part, either in money orkind. 
Frize pays the one-seventeenth part of its value. 

Proprietor, Richard Boyle Townsend, Esq. 
Collector, James Mahony. 
New Court, Aug. 

BooAer 17em»?j»g\ 

Tolls payable at the Fairs of7fj7»jwry and . 

For each horse, mare, gelding or mule -1 -

cow ------_ß jearling -.3 
calf ------—1 sheep -----1 goat _i P'g " 

-3 fowl, per basket -----2 fi tut, per load -----4 d°, per upload -----2 Fish, per car load, 4 ('.^•upload 