Bill to amend Laws for collecting Church Rates and Money advanced by Trustees and Commissioners of First Fruits in Ireland

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3 MarcA 1823 



B X JLi JL.i 
To amend the Laws for collecting Church Rates and Money, advanced by the Trustees and Commissioners of the First Fruits of Ecclesiastical Benefices, in Jre/trad. 

W f$<2EiR<£3@> by an Act passed in the fifty-fourth year of *»""*• 

the reign of his late Majesty King <2c0rg'c' the Third, 54 g*3° intituled, " An Act for the better regulation of Ecclesiastical Courts ^ "®* *• ^,. 

Recovery of 

" in /raarat/, and for the more easy recovery of Church Rates and Church Rate*. 
5 " Tythes," it is amongst other things enacted, That if any one duly rated to a Church Rate or Parish Cess, the validity whereof has not been questioned in any ecclesiastical court, shall refuse or neglect to pay the same sum at which he is so rated, it shall be lawful for any one Justice of the peace of the county, county of a city or town 10 corporate, where the Church is situated in respect whereof such rate or parish cess shall have been made, upon complaint of any churchwarden or churchwardens, who ought to receive and collect the same, to examine into the merits of such complaint, and to make order for payment of what is due and payable in respect of 15 such rate or cess, and to levy the same in such manner as in the said recited Act is mentioned and directed ; and it is by the said Act provided, that if the validity of such rate or cess, or the liability of the person from whom it is demanded to pay the same be disputed, and the party disputing give notice thereof to the Justices, the Jus-20 tices shall forbear giving judgment thereupon : 

And whereas the said Proviso has been found in a great measure to Proviso there-i 



'"• requiring defeat the intent and purpose of the said recited Act, so far as juftices to relates to such Church Rates or cesses; 15(0 it tgmfottt (fcttacteti, by ments"when The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice y^£ •J 

Rate is dif. 
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