Bill to regulate Importation of Arms, Gunpowder and Ammunition into Ireland

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22 feftrwa^ 1822. 
* (Ireland.) 

B To regulate the Importation of Arms, Gunpowder, and Ammu-nition into Ire/awd, and the making, removing, selling, and keeping of Arms, Gunpowder, and Ammunition in Jrefo/w?, 
for a time to be limited. 

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il/iar^m tfenofe tffo wwm&er of #ie 2May 

^ Cfc 3R. 
(£ # & tumultuous Risings have of late happened in ire/awtf, and the persons engaged therein have practised various secret contrivances for being supplied with,' and keeping Arms and Ammunition : And whereas the Laws heretofore in force in ire/a«</, for regulating the importation, making, removing, selling and keeping of Gunpowder, Arms and Ammunition, have lately expired; and it is ex-pedient that, for preventing the clandestine importation and secret keeping of Arms, Ammunition, Gunpowder and Military Stores in TrefowJ, the provisions of the said expired Acts should be renewed and amended; Be tt t&ewfcrce (Snacteti, by The KING's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, THAT from and after the expiration of days after the passing of this Act, it shall not be lawful for any person whomsoever to import or bring into /re/am? 
any Cannon, Mortars or Ordnance, Guns, Pistols, Gun Locks or parts of Gun Locks, Pistol Locks, Gun Stocks, Swords, Sword Blades, Bayonets, Pikes, Spears, Spear Heads, Weapons of War, Cannon Balls, Musquet Balls, or Pistol Balls* Gunpowder, Brimstone, Saltpetre, or other materials used in the making of Gun-powder, or any Military Accoutrements, without having first obtained a lieense for importing or bringing the same, under the hand of the Lord Lieutenant or other chief Governor or Governors of iretorad', or his or their Chief Secretary, or in his absence, of his Under Secretary for the 32. 
A time 


After passing of this Act, not lawful to import Can-non, Mortars, or Ordnance, Guns, Pistols, &c. 
with-out License from Lord Lieutenant or Chief Secre*-tarys 36 Geo. 
3, c. 