Committee on Petition complaining of Undue Election for County of Limerick: minutes of evidence

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MINUTES OF EVIDENCE Taken before the Committee appointed for taking into consideration the Petition of T/zornas *Sj;z'zjz.§' 
Hice, of iliozzzz/ Trenc/zwe/, in the County of £izflm'c/c, Esquire; complaining of an undue Election and Itcturn for the said County. 

OVrfcraZ", ij/ The House of Commons, Zo 6c PnV/Zerf, -2 JUarci 1S19. 

Limerick Election Committee. 
Äao/jfl/z, 27° ziz'e Pe&rzzarz'f, 3 819-Sir Thomas Baring, Baronet, in the Chair. 


TJz/Yzwz/ Pßr/i-er called in, and sworn. 

Examined by 1fr. 
HAT is your Situation in the City of Limerick ?—I 
am town clerk and clerk 

of Ihe peace &WM, How long have you been town clerk?—Since 
v > Ancl you are likewise clerk of the peace for the County and City of Limerick ?— 
Did you attend at the last election ?—I 
In what capacity ?—In 
a double capacity ; that is, botli as town clerk and clerk of the peace. 
Diel you sit there during the whole of the poll ?—I 
you sit near Ihe poll clerk ?—I 
believe 1 did; I dcclarc I cannot be very accu-rate; 1 satin the box with him. 
Ancl saw him take the poll ?—No, 
I cannot mind tbat; I was oecupied as much as any one could be at the poll. 

Who delivered the poll book to you ?—One 
of the city sheriffs. 
Who acted as the returning officer?—-The 
city sheriffs. 
What are the names?—-Arthur 
Berelon and Henry Collins. 
Which ofthem delivered to you the poll book?—I 
cannot recollect; I took no minute of it; it was one of the sheriffs, but which of them, I do not recollect. 

In what state was the poll book when delivered to you ?—Sealed 
Is it sealed up now ?—It 
has remained in that state ever since. 
You have never opened it ?—Never 
; when I got it from the sheriff, I put it in, my desk. 
What did the sheriff say, when he delivered it to you?—Fle 
delivered it as the poll book of the election. 
Upon what day did he deliver it to you ?—I 
do not recollect the day. 
Was it a day, a week, or a month after the close of the poll?—It 
was several days; it was within a week of the close of the poll, but I do not charge my memory with it j it may have been a weck or more. 
Do you know what was done with the poll book, at the close of each day's poll?— 
I do not recollect. 

Do you know whether it was delivered to any person or not?—No, 
I do not know of my own knowledge; I believe the sheriff took the custody of the poll book euch evening from the poll clerk. 

And the poll clerk had it again in the morning to go on with the poll ?—I 
think so. 
To whom. 
was the poll book delivered at the end of the poll ?—I 
cannot State that. 
But it was delivered to you by one of the sheriffs ?—lt 