Report from the Select Committee on grand jury presentments of Ireland

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SECOND REPORT On Irish Grand Jury Presentments. 


The SELECT COMMITTEE appointed to consider what Provisions it may be expedient to establish, for regulating the Grand Jury Presentments of ire/emr/, and' to report the same, with their Observations thereupon, from time to time, to The House; and to whom the Petition of several Gentlemen, Landed Proprietors, and principal Farmers, of the Town and Manor of JVeeetfom Z/.vzaiw/?/, 
in the County of ZoHf/om/fcT?^, 
was referred;—Beg to inform The House, That they have further considered the matters to them referred, and have agreed upon the following REPORT: "V^ OUR Committee having taken into consideration the grievance ^ arising in several Counties in Jre/a^J, from the inequality of Assessments, have agreed upon the following further Report, with the view of assisting the formation of a Bill, in a future Session, upon the subject of rendering the Levies made under the authority of Grand Juries more equal. 
Your Committee find, That the various modes of levying the Grand Jury Assessments in Ire/cm^/, from the inequality of their pressure, arising out of the very distant period of time, and unsettled state of the Country, when such arrangements were devised, require immediate and complete alteration: That the Ins/i Parliament did, at three several periods during the last century, viz. 
by an Act 9 th of Anne, cap. 
9; 1st Gno. 
II, cap. 
13; and also by an Act 33 Geo. 
II, cap. 
8; recognize the necessity of a revision and amendment of this system, and enjoin the Grand Juries ineffectually to proceed in such Revision : 
