Hibernian Marine School: tenth report from the Commissioners of Board of Education in Ireland, with appendix

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Board of EDUCATION, in Ireland. 

ACT 46 GEO. 

Oniererf, fry The Houfe of Commons, £0 iep-iniei, 4M May 1810. 


To his Grace CHARLES Duke of Richmond and Lenox, &c. 
&c &c 

Lord Lieutenant General, and General Governor of Ireland. 
MAY IT PLEASE YOUR GRACE, WE the underfigned Commiffioners, appointed for enquiring into the feveral 

Funds and Revenues granted for the purpofes of Education, and into the ftate and condition of all Schools upon public or charitable foundations, in Ireland, in purfuance of the powers vefted in us, beg leave to lay before your Grace our Report upon the Hiberxian Marine School in Dublin, for maintaining, educating, and apprenticing the Orphans and Children of decayed Seamen in the Royal Navy and Merchants' Service. 
The Hibernian Marine Society was incorporated by a Charter of His prefent Majefty, in the year 1775, on the petition of the Lord Mayor, Archbilhop of Dublin, and other Noblemen and Gentlemen of the City of Dublin, Members of a Marine Society affociated for the fupport, education, and fitting for fea the Orphans and Children of Seafaring Men only—fetting forth, that the faid Society had, by voluntary fubfcriptions and benefactions, been enabled to eftablifh a Nurfery and School for the maintenance and inftruclion of the Children of Sea-men who had periihed or been difabled in His Majesty's or the Merchants' Ser-vice; and that they had been further enabled by the bounty of Parliament to build a Houfe in the City of Dublin, near the fea, capable of receiving two hun-dred Children and upwards, when their Funds fhouid admit of it. 

The Charter of the Society {a copy of which, with the Bye-laws, is herewith charter, fubmitted to your Grace*) directs that the Corporation mail be intituled, " The Hibernian Marine Society in Dublin, for maintaining, educating, and apprentic-ing theOrphans and Children of decayed Seamen in tie Royal Navy and Merchants' Service;" and that the Lord Lieutenant, the Lord Primate, the Lord Chancellor, the Archbilhop of Dublin, and other Officers of Church and ^tate for the time being, and certain Noblemen and Gentlemen by name, with others to be elected from time to time, mail be Members of the faid Society, which it empowers to purchafe and hold lands to the value of two thoufand pounds per annum, and to ereel Nurferies and Schools in other parts of Ireland.— 
It directs four General Quarterly Meetings to be held \ eai ly, at one of which a Prefident, fe\ en Vice Frefidents, tw o Secreta-ries, a Treafurer, Regifter, and other necefiary Officers, fhail be annually elected from the Members of the Society, and fworn into office by the Prefident, one of the Vice Prcfidents, or two other Members; and alfo a Committee of fifteen ior car-vying into execution the Rules and Orders ofthe Corporation, who Shall meet on the firft Monday in every month, or oStener if neceffary. 
It further directs, that none but Children of deceafed, reduced, or decayed Seamen in the Royal or Merchants' Service, or that had been fo, fhall be received into any Nnri>iy or School ofthe Corporation. 
By the Bye-laws of the Society (which they are empowered to jj , 

make by (he Charter) none ofthe Members of the Corporation (or Governors, as they are otherwiSe called), whether by Charter or election, can accept of any office (243.) 

A under * Appendix, No.