Bill to amend Laws relative to Sale of Flax and Hemp Seed in Ireland

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:8 th April 1810.



To Amend the Laws relative to the Sale of Flax
Seed and Hemp Seed, in Ireland,

Note—The Figures in the Margin denote the Number of the Folios in the

written Copy.



j3D IS. the Prevention of fraudulent Pra61ices, which may be Preamble,
endeavoured to be upheld by Perjury or fubornation of
Perjury, in relpe6t of Flax Seed and Hemp Seed, fold in
Ireland for fowing;

QBC it by the King's Moft Excellent Majesty, by and

with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and
Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of
the fame, That from and after the no Adion or

Suit fhall be brought in Ireland^ whereby to charge any Perfon to
anfwer Damages for having at any time fold unfound, â–  mixed, bad or
damnified Flax Seed or Hemp Seed, or Flax Seed or Hemp Seed unfit
for fowing, unlefs the Warrantry on which fuch A6lion fhall be brought,

â– or fome Memorandum or Note thereof, fhall be in writing, figned by
the Party to be charged therewith, or by fome other Perfon thereunto
by him lawfully authorized ; any Law, Statute, or Ufage to the con¬
trary notwithftanding.

No AifHon to
be brought
for Damages
for felling
unfound Flax
Seed, unlefs
the Warrau-
try is in writ¬