Account of Offices and Emoluments under Crown in 1783 and 1810, relating to Department of Inland Excise and Taxes in Ireland

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Existing on the 1st January 178J. 

Dublin City—co/frwiuer?. 
l Examinator of Hearthmoney a Clerks, a. 
each 1 Officer to state & examine 7 

Hthni'' Accounts -j 

1 Examinator of Excise 1 Clerk -

1 Assistant Clerk 

Annual SALARY. 

1 Clerk of the Strong Water 7 

Permits --j 1 Clerk in the Permit Office 1 Clerk -

1 D° -

iD' -

1 D" -

1 Inspector General of Ex-cise in the Province of Leinster ---

1 Exam' of Gaugers Books 

1 Assistant Clerk 12 Ass' Exam", a. 

200 — 

100 — 

40 — 

300 45 

1 Exam' of Surveyors Diaries 


as They stood on the 1st January 1810. 

40 50 45 40 35 30 

110 50 54° 


Examinator of Hearth-' money 

Exam' and Assiftant lit Clerk Clerk -

D° -

D° -

D» -

D° -D° -

TV -

D° -

D° -

Exam' of Excise -Assiftant Exam' Clerk ----

D° -

D° -

D° ----D° -

D° -D° -

D° ----D" -

Clerk of the Strong Water 7 Permits ---j Clerk ----


on 1st January 1810. 

Annual SALARY. 

Jocelyn Waller -

Edward Winder Charles Joly Samuel Kelly -John Hamilton Stephen Mills -

John Stanfoid -

Richard Hannon Thomas Kane -Philip Turpin -

Thomas Ally -

George Ilatton Samuel Hood -

John Hood Charles M'Dermott Henry Bell George A. 
Holmes William Ehvood Robert Elwood Thomas Thacker Paul M'Evoy -

Crighton W. 

£• 500 — — 

250 180 160 140 120 — — 

100 90 90 80 — -

80 -— 

300 444 200 — — 

150 130 1-20 HO 90 90 80 80 40 — 


DATE of Increase or Diminution. 

5 January /} 1808. 

14 August 1786. 

5 January 1808 

1 Exam' of Surveyors G" ' 

Books -

Assiftant Clerk 

Assiftant Exam" -

Exam' Surveyors Diaries Solicitor for the Inland 7 Department --j Solicitor in London Cleik for examining the 7 Stamp Duty on Permits > and Certificates --J Clerk of the Securities -Clerk of the Stationary 7 Stores ---j i Clerks. 
Office Keeper 

William Knipe -

Walter N. 
Byrne Joseph Foxall ... 
RicrVCowell -

Walter Davenport William Pitham James Ross -John B. 
Knipe -

Edward M. 
Loghlin -Henry Cowell -. 


George Scott -

Andrew Costello William Boys ---Laurence Tute -Rich* M'Nabb -Mich' Gaven ---

Thomas Vicary Henry Wheeler John Edwards, for himself 7 and Clerks ---j Charles W. 
Flint Francis Thombourgh Robert Hamilton Francis Trembath James Roe -Burke Bagnell ---John Gorman ---John Hughes -William Coogan 

Transferred to the Port Department, i8Apr.i79-2. 

400 — 

200 — 

150 — 

140 — 

130 — 

120 — 

110 — 

100 — 

100 — 

90 — 

oe — 

90 — 

80 — 80 — 

80 — 

60 — 

60 — 

150 — 

200 — 

110 — 

80 100 — 

300 — 

100 — 90 — 

80 — 

_o — 

60 — 

25 March 1786. 

25 Apr. 
5 April 1809. 
5 Jan. 
24 April 1807. 

^5 Jan.