Bill for enforcing Residence of Spiritual Persons on Benefices in Ireland

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For enfbrcing the Refidence of Spiritual Perfbns
on their Benefices in

Note.—T'he Figures in the Margin denote the Number of the Folios

in the written Copy.

J #dE^ (E0 the Laws now in force enjoining the Refidence of Preamble,

f 2% t Spiritual Perfons on their Benefices, within that part of the
II ^5 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland c?XitdL Ireland,

have been found in fome cafes inefficient, and the Proceedings
thereon tedious and expenfive; and it is expedient that more effeftual Pro-
vifions (hould be made for enforcing the Refidence of Spiritual Perfons on
their Benefices in that Part of the laid United Kingdom called Ireland;

tion accord¬

May it therefore pleafe Your JM A J E S T Y,

That it may be Enabled ; SnD 60 It CnaftCS by the KIN G's MoA Excel¬
lent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual
aucl Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and
by the Authority of the fame, That in every cafe in which it flaall sifliops toen-
appear to any Bifhop or Archbifhop of that part of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland called Ireland, that any Spiritual Perfon having iffueaMoni-
or holding any Benefice, Donative, perpetual Curacy or parochial Cha-
pelry within the Diocefe of fuch Bithop- or Archbifliop refpedively, having
no lawful Caule -of Abfence from the fame, does not fufSciently refide on
the fame refpeftively, it fnall be lawful for fuch Bifhop or Archbifliop to
iffue or caufe to be iffued a Monition to fuch Spiritual Perfon forthwith to
proceed to and refide thereon, and perform the Duties thereof, and to
make a Return to fuch Monition within a certain number of Days after
the ifilling thereof, fo as that ia every fuch cafe there fhall be
^^ays between the time of delivering fuch Monition to fuch Spiritual
Perfon, or leaving the lame at his then ufual or lafi: place of Abode, or if
not there to be found, or if he ihall be abfent from the Diocefe, with the
officiating Mini Iter or one of the Churchwardens, and alio at the lloufe
oi Refidence (if any fuch there be) belonging to fuch Benefice, Donative,
J 71. A perpetua